ISBN: 9781431431786
Author: Athambile Masola and Xolisa Guzula
Ages: 12-18 years
Imbokodo: Women Who Shape Us is a groundbreaking series of books which introduces you to the powerful sto-ries of South African women who have all made their mark and cleared a path for women and girls. These books recognise, acknowledge and honour our heroines and elders from the past and the present. South African wom-en are silent no more on the roles that we have played in advancing our lives as artists, storytellers, writers, poli-ticians and educationists. The title ‘Imbokodo’ was been chosen as it is a Zulu word that means “rock” and is of-ten used in the saying ‘Wathint’ Abafazi, Wathint’ Imbokodo!’, which means “You Strike a Women, You Strike a Rock!” In 10 Curious Inventors, Healers & Creators you will read about the women who shape our world through education, science and maths. You will read about women who became teachers, nurses, social workers, scien-tists and community workers, overcame obstacles and through their work fought for social change.